Cut website approval time in half

Review and comment on websites live. One click to share with clients and teammates.
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Gathering feedback on websites shouldn't be this hard...

Using Pastel is simple and fast

Enter a URL and within seconds, Pastel lets you click to leave comments on any website.

Share a link to get feedback

Share a unique Pastel link with clients or teammates to get their feedback all in one place.

Edit text on the page

Easily make copy suggestions with Pastel and see the before and after on the page.

Loved by Agencies and Design Teams

How BentoBox used Pastel to streamline their feedback process and onboard customers faster
Read their story
Chelsea Lynch
Manager at BentoBox
How Pastel helped FreshySites' fully remote team spend a lot less time in feedback meetings.
Read their story
Ben Giordano
Founder of FreshySites

Want to try Pastel on a demo website?


Reasons why clients, designers and developers love Pastel

Easy client comments
Clients don't need accounts.
Just share your link to have them leave comments.
Organize comments
Mark it resolved or with a label to filter through comments faster.
Fully responsive
Test the site on all screens with a click of a button.
Always up to date
Any changes made to websites will be automatically updated in every Pastel link
Works with your apps
Export comments easily from Pastel to Asana, Jira, and more
Smart comments
Every comment comes with a screenshot, browser and screen size information
Copy changes
Edit text on webpages to visualize copy changes.
Pause commenting
Control the flow of feedback with the ability to pause commenting.
And so much more...